Hello, my name is Matt Aromando! I’m a writer, performer & filmmaker living in New York City and I make sketch comedy. These are my most recent videos!
Matt’s Videos
Join Todd on a journey from outsider to insider as he finally cracks the code of the elusive smaller group texts within his circle of friends. In this tale of digital exclusion turned to triumph, watch as Todd navigates the highs and lows of being included in the inner circle.
Theo went to a yard sale and picked up a neat little coin bank. After posting it online, he gets into an interesting conversation about the newly acquired artifact!
Lucas didn't think that reading was for people like him but now that he's discovered the truth about books, he's ready to tell the world.
Randy is here to convince you that Yuck! Who Wants The Crust? is a fine product and shouldn’t be judged by its name.
This genie isn’t normal. She doesn’t come from a bottle or an oil lamp but from a gaslight. How would a gaslight genie be different than the genies we’re all used to (like you’ve really met a genie before)? They might accuse you of misremembering things, overreacting, and insist you’re always wrong—not exactly what you want from an all-powerful being.
Starring: Christopher Morucci, and Emily van den Blink
What does your gamertag say about you? It’s a short little bio, after all.
Starring: Matthew T. Aromando, Alex Simmons, and Emily Riggins
The story of how the original "Twelve Days Of Christmas" was brought to print has been lost to time. This is my best guess as to how it happened.
Jay just bought a new house and he loves it! It may look a little out of his price range but he can afford it since there aren’t any bathrooms in it. No bathrooms. None at all.
Max is totally over his ex-girlfriend, Katelyn. He's here to tell you how getting a new mini-fridge will solve all his other problems (because worrying about his ex isn't a problem, he doesn't even think about her anymore).
The Gift of the Magi is a short story that some people read in high school and this date is going just like that. Did you read the story or fake it for class?
Ben is trying to sell off some of his furniture in preparation for moving day but the internet is not cooperating with his demands!
A man's imagination gets carried away when he thinks about pulling himself up by his bootstraps.
The DROP Drink Enhancement Kit is a brand new solution from Problem Solving Labs that helps you create your ideal light beer—“Any Beer, Served Light!” All it takes is one magical ingredient: more water.
Starring: Matthew T. Aromando, and Emily Riggins
Ollie is ready for his weekend with the guys to just chill and have a good time. He’s so ready to chill that he came up with a helpful itinerary for the trip!
Mr. Griffin—a math teacher at the local high school—is more than a little self-conscious about how he’ll perform in the annual student vs. teacher basketball game. Will his students give him the added confidence he needs? Check out the sketch to find out.
Christmas lights—a delightful seasonal treat or a dangerous plot years in the making? Hear out my theory and make up your mind.
Don is trying to fall asleep after a night out at karaoke. There's just one problem: he can't stop thinking about Lord of the Rings!
These stairs are different from the kind that you can climb up. They’re the stairs to the roof, and nobody is allowed on them.
William is at his friend's annual gift exchange and draws the worst number for picking a present…again! A movie trailer for the horror-thriller, The Gift Exchange.
Starring: Matthew T. Aromando, Emily Riggins, Alex D. Simmons, Shayna Nash, and Marcel Oyuela-Bonzani
Daniel learns about his place in the hierarchy of his friend group when he discovers that his pals have more memories about a set of kitschy, television-set-themed salt and pepper shakers than they do about him.
Starring: Matthew T. Aromando, Shayna Nash, Emily Riggins, and Alex D. Simmons
Jigsaw attends a board game night with some of his friends in this parody of the Saw franchise.
Starring: Jake A. Lucas, Katie Havas, Aakash Kesavarapu, and J. Steven Madura
These dads are here at a fundraiser for their kids' youth baseball league to bid on items that dads love! What will be the most bidded-on item? What deals will these dads walk away with? Perhaps dads aren't as predictable as they may seem.
Starring: Susan Burns, Aarushi Agni, DeAnna Powell, Christopher Morucci, Emily van den Blink, and Matthew T. Aromando
Joel is in an adult soccer league and it's great—except when it isn't. See which kind of person bothers him most!
It’s a slumber party, but everyone is busy checking social media on their phones. Can a game of “truth or dare” bring the girls into the present?
Starring: Emily van den Blink, Aarushi Agni, Claire Kane, and DeAnna Powell
Lucas didn't think that videogames were for people like him but now that he's discovered the truth, he's ready to tell the world!
In this present-day parody of A Christmas Carol, Scrooge’s employees are trying to get the day after Christmas, December 26th, to be included in their holiday paid time off.
Starring: Jake A. Lucas, J. Steven Madura, Kevin Necciai, Katie Havas, Christopher Morucci, and Madeline Hinchion
The Super Bowl is right around the corner and I'll show you how to prepare for an awesome party for the "Big Game!"*
Starring: Matthew T. Aromando, Emily Riggins, Alex Simmons, and Shayna Nash
Three Lost Pigeons is taking the vote very seriously for the battle of the bands they're competing in. To the promoter, it might just be a gimmick to sell more tickets but that doesn't matter to this band, they're in it to win!
Lazarus (that's Saint Lazarus, Lazarus of Bethany, etc.) has FOMO—a fear of missing out—and in heaven of all places! Seems like paradise might be the one place without such things but oh well. Maybe his friend Jesus can help him out!
What’s your biggest fear? Martin’s is being buried alive. Can you imagine how terrifying that would be? Luckily, Martin is very prepared.
Starring: Matthew T. Aromando, and Emily Riggins
A crime has been committed! Luckily, there were witnesses present and the police were able to gather up several suspects. Now, Detective Klein simply needs Melanie to identify the perpetrator out of a line-up. Their only problem? One of the suspects is a mime.
Starring: Christopher Morucci, Patrick Reidy, Aarushi Agni, Claire Kane, Kate Herzlin, Emily van den Blink, Emily Horgan, and James Kriz
Felix is done with social media! He's back to writing about his life in a good, old, reliable diary.
Pierre has his to-do list to get through but would much rather lounge around on the couch. A To-Do List Ignored is a comedic, slice-of-life short about how much easier it is to procrastinate than get chores done.
Travis worries that people will think he’s washing his hands to hide something criminal. All he really wants is clean hands!
Some people want a fixer-upper home, a place they can make their own. Not here, though. Brie does not wish to confront any issues in her life, whether residential or social.
Starring: Claire Kane, Aarushi Agni, and Emily van den Blink
Don simply wants to fall asleep, but he can’t stop thinking about the guy who embarrassed himself at karaoke that night.
Max is out to be the last person at the party. He loves a good hangout and isn't going home before “the end,” whatever that means.
A couple of friends are at a bar, celebrating the day they've finally become "real" New Yorkers!
Starring: Slaney Rose Jordan, Alexandra Sobrino, and Steve Howze
It's early on Christmas morning and Don simply must sneak a peek at one of his gifts under the tree.
Taylor Swift broke records with The Eras Tour. She broke even more records with The Eras Tour concert film. Now, she’s ready to break the rest of the records by releasing a novelization of her tour with The Eras Tour: The Book!
Starring: Jake A. Lucas, Katie Havas, Christopher Morucci, Madeline Hinchion, Aakash Kesavarapu, Kevin Necciai, and Matthew T. Aromando
Can someone’s diary be used as evidence in court? What if it’s got attorney/client privilege?
Starring: Matthew T. Aromando, Emily Dalton, Vanita Kumar, Ladell Thomas, and Michael Ganley
David has finished installing his new Momo voice assistant and is ready to show his wife Allison what their new smart home can do. It can control the lights, set a timer, tell jokes, and so much more! The one thing it won't joke about? The police.
Starring: Marcel Oyuela-Bonzani, Bradleigh Bleecker, Matthew T. Aromando, and Emily Riggins
Tabitha can’t fall asleep! It’s all because she took a forbidden nap and now the goblin Restless is here to tell her about all her mistakes.
Starring: Aarushi Agni, and Emily van den Blink
A sleazy guy is trying to pick up a woman at a bar with their "artist" tricks but his advances are thwarted by another bar patron.
Starring: Aarushi Agni, Christopher Morucci, and Emily van den Blink
Nate introduces his girlfriend, Julie, to his parents, Bob and Nancy. However, his parents are really concerned about privacy. Like, to conspiratorial levels.
Starring: Steve Howze, Shelley Little, Alexandra Sobrino, Ladell Thomas, and Slaney Rose Jordan
A group of friends—Sarah, Dan, Josh, and Amanda—are enjoying board game night when Sarah introduces Operation For Adults (a game normally for children)!
Starring: Shelley Little, Steve Howze, Ladell Thomas, and Slaney Rose Jordan
Anthony falls asleep watching everything. He gets what’s going to happen in the first minute, so there’s no need to watch the rest.
Starring: Jake A. Lucas, Katie Havas, Aakash Kesavarapu, and Kendall Davis
We all know about bridge trolls, they’re a classic fantasy trope, but Bargle is a troll who traded in bridges for an elevator.
Starring: Claire Kane, Patrick Reidy, Emily van den Blink, Emily Horgan, Andrew Bourne, James Kriz, and Matthew T. Aromando
The marketing department has a few changes for the Chef Boyardee brand and the namesake mascot isn’t sure he agrees with the board.
Starring: Christopher Morucci, Patrick Reidy, and Claire Kane
After their plane crashes into the ocean, three people—passengers Kelsey and Michelle along with their pilot Leo—are stranded on an island looking for a way to survive. Luckily, one person's usually bad habit of hoarding things is of help!
Starring: Alexandra Sobrino, Slaney Rose Jordan, and Garett Press
Neighbors, Nathan and Becky, bump into each other while shopping for groceries. They then run into Robert, their garbage man, who knows a lot more about them than they thought he did.
Starring: Garett Press, Steve Howze, Slaney Rose Jordan, and Ladell Thomas
Two friends are deciding which side of the subway station they should leave from.
Starring: Nisarah Lewis, Amanda Melhuish, Emily Dalton, and Matthew T. Aromando
Vanessa is just trying to sell this used van but Charlie (a ghost) keeps getting in her way!
Starring: Lauren Gamiel, Ladell Thomas, Ben Fullon, and Alexandra Sobrino
Agent Maxwell finds himself in a bind when he's captured by an over-the-top evil ‘genius' (emphasis on the quotes). This so-called mastermind's plans for torture are anything but brilliant.
Starring: Ben Fullon, Ladell Thomas, Steve Howze, Slaney Rose Jordan, and Alexandra Sobrino
Is it Kevin Bacon or Kevin Pastrami? Either way, Kevin is trying to hide his true identity because that’s what celebrities do! Meanwhile, he can’t escape the fact that he loves being a celebrity and has to keep letting the cat out of the bag.
Starring: Emily van den Blink, DeAnna Powell, Aarushi Agni, and Andrew Bourne
Stacy has a fear of magicians and, unfortunately for her, there's one performing in the park she's walking through!
Starring: Patrick Reidy, Aarushi Agni, Ryan Robson, Emily van den Blink, Kate Herzlin, and Matthew T. Aromando
You've heard of stage moms. They take their children around to performances and prepare them for auditions. Pampering them at every turn, coaching them for greatness (often with the connotation that it's instead of mom's personal success at being a performer). Well, what if a 34-year-old professional had a stage mom who accompanied them on all their podcast interviews? This skit hilariously lays out how that would go.
Starring: Emily van den Blink, Ryan Robson, Claire Kane, and Christopher Morucci
Mike gets a Facebook message from Amanda, who's forgotten who Mike is! He's unsure why she would need his help with this and annoyed that she would even ask. Mike's roommates try to get him through this while we find out the truth about Amanda.
Starring: Ben Fullon, Slaney Rose Jordan, Alexandra Sobrino, Ladell Thomas, and Lauren Gamiel
To see all my sketch comedy, head over to my YouTube channel.
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For availability, how to get in touch, or to see my resume, check out my contact page.
April 16, 2025 - BoogieManja @ The PIT
May 14, 2025 - BoogieManja @ The PIT
June 18, 2025 - BoogieManja @ The PIT
Video data updated: 2025-03-30 6:00 AM EDT
© 2025 Matthew T. Aromando
Matt Aromando is a writer, performer, and filmmaker living in New York City where he creates sketch comedy for the screen and stage.
Videos written and produced by Matt can be seen on his YouTube channel while his writing can be seen live monthly with the ensemble, Attainable Crush, as a part of the BoogieManja sketch comedy collective at The Peoples Improv Theater (The PIT).
Matt formerly wrote for the sketch comedy ensembles, Aunt Colony, also with BoogieManja, as well as the LiveWire Sketch team, Souvenir, at the Magnet Theater.
He is trained in sketch comedy writing by the Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB) and Magnet Theaters. He studied cinematography and directing at the School of Visual Arts (SVA).
Denver Sketch Festival 2024, Best of the Fest: Video, The Group Chat
Two sketch comedy ensembles, Hit It Joe and Electric Panini, each produce a half-hour of brand-new material monthly!
Two sketch comedy ensembles, Hit It Joe and Electric Panini, each produce a half-hour of brand-new material monthly!
Two sketch comedy ensembles, Hit It Joe and Electric Panini, each produce a half-hour of brand-new material monthly!
Two sketch comedy ensembles, Hit It Joe and Electric Panini, each produce a half-hour of brand-new material monthly!
Two ensembles each bringing a brand new half-hour of live sketch comedy!
With Attainable Crush:
Written by James Kriz, Matthew T. Aromando, Kate Herzlin, and Gail Tierney.
Performed by Aarushi Agni, Susan Burns, Christopher Morucci, DeAnna Powell, and Emily van den Blink.
And fellow BoogieManja team, Nothing Bagel!
Two ensembles each bringing a brand new half-hour of live sketch comedy!
With Attainable Crush:
Written by James Kriz, Matthew T. Aromando, Kate Herzlin, Gail Tierney, and Peter Zimmermann.
Performed by Aarushi Agni, Christopher Morucci, Claire Kane, DeAnna Powell, Emily van den Blink, and Patrick Reidy.
And fellow BoogieManja team, Nothing Bagel!
Two ensembles each bringing a brand new half-hour of live sketch comedy!
With Attainable Crush:
Written by James Kriz, Matthew T. Aromando, Kate Herzlin, and Peter Zimmermann.
Performed by Aarushi Agni, Christopher Morucci, Claire Kane, Deanna Powell, Emily van den Blink, and Patrick Reidy.
And fellow BoogieManja team, Nothing Bagel!
A showcase of sketch comedy videos at the Denver Sketch Festival.
Banjo Brothers Bar & Lounge by Nickels & Coal
Book Club by Bad Medicine
Fired From Home by Wet Tinder
Gray Sweats by Kristen Gonzalez
Grievance Gulch by The Scene Shop
The Group Chat by Matt Aromando
How A Mall Is Made by Bedtime Worldwide
Squirrel by Jim Clemens
Two ensembles each bringing a brand new half-hour of live sketch comedy!
With Attainable Crush:
Written by Matthew T. Aromando, Kate Herzlin, and Peter Zimmermann.
Performed by Aarushi Agni, Christopher Morucci, Claire Kane, Emily van den Blink, Matthew T. Aromando, and Patrick Reidy
And fellow BoogieManja team, Nothing Bagel!
Googily Eyes: Dumb & Dumber Spank the French Revolution
Come join us for a night of music and hilarious comedy at The Tank! Watch as our talented performers bring to life the wackiest scenarios that culimate in a revolution of the French variety. Expect plenty of laughs, ridiculous characters, and maybe even a few googily eyes thrown in for good measure. This in-person event is sure to have you rolling in the aisles. Don't miss out on the fun!
Hosted by Obi O'Brien and special guest host Jerlon Turner. Featuring sketch comedy by Forevermore Comedy, Fifth Floor Walk-Up, Attainable Crush, and more! Stand-up by Lexi Kennedy, Sarah Barnitt, Alden Skeadas. Music by Canned Jamz.
We had a last minute cancellation, so we decided to give our sketch teams a challenge: they'll have 48 hours to write, rehearse, and put on a sketch. Come see the chaos!
Featuring: Kath Barbadoro
Fun in Moderation
Hey Roommate
Cliff Hanger
Attainable Crush
Bill Clinton on Sax
Pool Noodle
Two brand new half-hours of sketch comedy! Attainable Crush is... Writers: Matthew T. Aromando, Andrew Bourne, Kate Herzlin, Emily Horgan, and James Kriz. Actors: Aarushi Agni, Bailey Whitehead, Christopher Morucci, Claire Kane, Emily van den Blink, and Pat Reidy Also performing, fellow BoogieManja team, Both Hands!
Two brand new half-hours of sketch comedy!
Attainable Crush is...
Writers: Matthew T. Aromando, Andrew Bourne, Kate Herzlin, and Emily Horgan.
Actors: Aarushi Agni, Bailey Whitehead, Christopher Morucci, Emily van den Blink, and Pat Reidy
Also performing, fellow BoogieManja team, Both Hands!
Jesus’ Friend
Lazarus (of Bethany) was friends with Jesus, and he’ll tell you all about that. Also, he’s not bitter about his life or legacy. He’ll tell you all about that, too.